Emerging Leaders
Emerging Leaders is a forum designed to enhance and develop the leadership skills and abilities of girls completing grades 9-12.
August 1-2, 2025 at Shocco Springs Conference Center
Nomination Deadline - July 15, 2025
Potential candidate qualifications:
Completed grades 9-12.
Demonstrate the highest Christian ideals and standards in both word and deed.
Displays leadership potential in her current spheres of influence.
Do you have girls in your Acteens or youth group who have demonstrated leadership ability? Do these girls have a passion for knowing God more and serving His people? Emerging Leaders can have a huge impact on our world, and you can be a part of making it happen. WMU wants to contribute to their continued leadership development.
If this is a girl's returning year there will be a "next-level" track offered for girls returning for a second year. You, as a leader of girls, can nominate candidates to participate in this forum. The forum is by invitation only and is held annually, in conjunction with the WMU & Women's Leadership Equipping and Enrichment event, at Shocco Springs Conference Center, Talladega, Alabama. The cost is $60, which includes accommodations, three meals, and a t-shirt!