One Day Training
One Day Training is designed for those who are unable to attend Connect. One Day covers the latest resources and offers creative ideas and practical insights for both new and seasoned missions discipleship and women's ministry leaders. There is an optional afternoon session for those who wish to take the Missional Leader Training: Generations course.

August 17, 2024
Option 1:
One Day Training
Check-In begins at 9:00 AM
9:30 AM - Noon
$10 (includes snack and materials)
Option 2:
One Day Training PLUS Missional Leader Training: Generations
Check-in begins at 9:00 AM
9:30 AM - 2:15PM
$20 (includes One Day Training, Missional Leader Training, and Lunch)
Registration deadline: August 14, 2024
One Day Training will be held at
Alabama State Board of Missions facility in Prattville.