How to Share the Love of Missions
We, at Alabama WMU, challenge you to reach out to invest in the life of another woman and to share your love of missions. How? Here are three easy steps:
Prayerfully consider a woman in whose life you would like to invest. Then go to WMUStore.com/missions-mosaic to purchase a gift subscription of the magazine Missions Mosaic.
Write a note of encouragement to your friend and let her know you wanted to share a resource you enjoy and value with her. Tell her about her new subscription and that you want to talk through the magazine with her once it arrives, like a book club.
Give the magazine time to arrive and for her to enjoy it. Then plan to spend time together, either in person (if it can be done safely) or on the phone. Enjoy getting to know your friend better and investing in her life. Ask her if she has any questions about Missions Mosaic or if she had a favorite part. Share what you enjoyed in that month’s issue. Pray with her over her life issues and for the missionaries.
The Great Commission is very clear that we are to be followers of Christ who make disciples. Our goal through WMU is to make disciples who live on mission. We believe this happens in community and, most often, through the investment of encouragement and time. So, go have fun! Be a blessing to another woman, and watch God develop your friendship into an opportunity to disciple another to live on mission.
We cannot wait to hear how God writes your story!
This initiative serves two purposes. First, we pray it will help you as you intentionally disciple another to be on mission. Second, our friends at National WMU, like most, have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Subscriptions have dropped significantly, and we want to share our love and encourage National WMU through this effort. So, let’s share the love of missions!